100% Collard Greens - Our organic collard greens powder starts out as USA grown, fresh, whole collard green leaves. They are immediately frozen after harvest then dried through a cold freeze-drying process. As the final step, they are ground to a fine powder and packaged.
- OUR GOAL - We strive to produce the world's highest quality collard greens powder. Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Whole-Food. Freeze-dried to retain the cellular structure and maximum amount of nutrition in each organic collard greens leaf.
- TASTE - Similar to fresh collard greens. COLOR - Green.
- SIMPLE PROCESS - We start with organic collard greens grown in the USA. They are harvested > Washed > Frozen > Freeze-Dried > Powdered
- INGREDIENTS - Organic Freeze-dried Collard Greens Powder (nothing else)
- EACH POUCH - 30 scoops. Each scoop of powder is equivalent to 1/2 cup of fresh organic collard greens.
At KOYAH, the trust of our customers is what matters most to us and we are proud to produce products, like our Organic Freeze-Dried Collard Greens Powder, that live up to the absolute highest quality standards and ensures YOU get the most out of what you eat!
On the LEFT is a leading collard greens powder. On the RIGHT is KOYAH's collard greens powder. Both are Organic and each mound contains the same weight of powder. Our collard greens are dried through a cold freeze-dried process which maintains the "fluffy" cellular structure and vibrant green color of the collard greens. The cell structure of our competitor's product has been clearly degraded through their drying process and is no longer vibrant in color.
Each scoop contains the freeze-dried powder of 1/2 cup of fresh organic collard greens. (2 g of powder)
Each pouch contains the freeze-dried powder of 15 cups of fresh organic collard greens. (60 g of powder)
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Good quality, good taste. I'm happy with my purchase.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a 5-star review. We are glad to hear you have been pleased with your purchase.

Great powder
I don't think I've ever had collard greens before. And this is the last powder I thought I'd like! But it's great. I feel very good doing this one. It's very smooth for me, nothing rough about it. It's a regular addition now to my daily health mix (on a rotational basis with some of the other powders - this one, celery, beet, brocolli, and brocolli sprouts). Abnd this brand seems very trustworthy. The veggie powders are US or Mexico/America's grown. I wouldn't trust anything from China or Asia's area - for both heavy metals and pfas ground contamination. And a lot of brands won't say their product is sourced from. I'm pretty certain I'll be with this brand forever.
Thank you for your 5-star review. We're thrilled you like our collard greens powder so much!

I use this daily
I love the collard greens! Taste and blends well. Helps me reach my daily green intake and I feel great
Thank you for your 5-star review! We're happy that our collard greens powder helps you reach your daily green intake.

Not only do I use collard greens, but many of the others offered. I love them. They are convenient and knowing the nutritional value is intact is a huge plus.
Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a great review! We appreciate your honest feedback.

Smoothie go to
So convenient to pack this and Kale in suitcase for travel. Helps optimize how I feel no matter what I’m eating in different countries. Goes wherever I fly and lasts for longer trips without need to refrigerate.
Thank you for your 5-star review. It's great that you take our products to get extra veggies when traveling.